id | asignatura2024966
Cátedra Internacional de Ingeniería - Seguridad en Ingeniería de Procesos



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Créditos de la asignatura para planes reformados



the aim of this course is to provide engineers with the knowledge, skills and competencies to understand and develop technical safety in order to assist the processes in the creation and capture of value as well as to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. this course will allow participants to:
¿ develop a high level appreciation of issues related to technical safety and examine critically advanced theoretical frameworks.
¿ integrate the theoretical, conceptual and analytical considerations of technical safety and analyze ways in which the operations function contributes to the safety performance of the process.
¿ formulate and develop coherent strategies that are holistic in nature and internally congruent in terms of both conceptual and operational requirements.
¿ enhance ability to find, present and use quantitative & qualitative safety data in suitable formats by using and applying appropriate techniques
¿ discuss in context the linkage between current theory and practice and be able to organize appropriate evidence and reasoning to produce a balanced conclusion."

methodology: this is a four week modular course, in the english language, with theoretical expositions by lecturers and experts about the fundamental and basic aspects and the related field context.the course lecturers will aim to combine lectures with tutorial activities. four modules will be lectured during four weeks from 28th june until 22nd of july (one module per week). external non-student participants can take the complete course or selected modules. this environment will provide opportunities for the student to understand the course material through case studies to apply the knowledge acquired in a practical way.